Master The Skills Of Recording, Editing, Mixing, & Mastering Audio Projects

(This includes music, podcasts, audiobooks, live sound, and more...)

Here's what some of our students say...


How Audio Engineering Can Be Your Secret

To Success In The Music Industry

& Skyrocket Your Demand and Income

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How Audio Engineering Can Be Your Secret To Success In The Music Industry

& Skyrocket Your Demand and Income

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What You Will Learn:

  • The secrets to rocking your room acoustics & getting the best sound in any space

  • Project demonstrations in Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, and FL Studio

  • The very best levels to record your vocals at (Spoiler: it's not 0 dB)

  • How to effectively use an equalizer to become an audio ninja

  • The essential frequencies that you need to know to get professional-quality results

  • Understanding one of the most vital elements of recording: compression

  • A little-known mixing technique that will consistently lead to more balanced mixes

  • So much more...


2 Monthly Payments


Full Payment (One-Time)


3 Monthly Payments


These Student's Careers In The Music Industry Have Been Transformed By The Curriculum In The Audio Engineering Blueprint...

If You're Still On The Fence...

Here's Why You Can't Afford To Waste Another Day Learning From YouTube...

Making better home recordings and becoming more proficient in mixing and mastering is a struggle...

There is a lot of information on YouTube and Google...

But, the amount of information, and conflicting points of view, make the “learning” process frustrating and overwhelming.

Right now is your prime time to obtain the skills that will propel your career in the music industry...

You can't afford to lose valuable time (i.e. years) spinning your wheels trying to piece together random recording and mixing tips from YouTube and Google.

That time can be spent creating new music, collaborating, networking, or making money from your craft...

Learning in a structured environment where you'll get the knowledge, mentorship, experience, training, and a certification in Audio Engineering in a matter of months, is exactly what you need to advance your music career.

It's time to position yourself to be able to work with other professionals in the music business...

It's time to make a name for yourself beyond your current circle.

YouTube has A LOT of information. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. Some of it just makes you scratch your head.

You're wasting precious time hunched over your computer, searching for "how to...", when you could be launching your music career...

When I first started recording music, I was frustrated and confused... 

There was no YouTube or Google...

But, after graduating from college a couple of years earlier, I left my 9-to-5 job as a financial analyst to pursue a career in the music industry.

Specifically, I wanted to be a producer, rapper, and record label owner...

These were the early days of home-based recording studios.

It was 1996...

Tupac and Biggie were at the height of their careers (and lives)...

Music companies, such as No Limit Records, Death Row Records, Bad Boy Records, LaFace Records, and Ruthless Records represented the vast majority of the most popular and influential hip-hop and R&B artists and music of the day...

In that same year, Roc-A-Fella Records was created out of necessity, as Jay-Z had been unable to secure a deal with a major record label.

And, I had a very rudimentary home studio setup.

There was a Yamaha keyboard, a Yamaha MT50 4-track cassette recorder, a Boss DR-5 drum machine, a Radio Shack Realistic stereo mixer, a pair of home stereo speakers, and a microphone.

This was still a few years before computers were the norm in home studios...

So, producing music still happened in real time, without the help of sequencers and other looping technologies...

This meant playing each part (drums, bass, piano, synths, etc.) one at a time for the entire length of the song until everything lined up and sounded good.

My vocals were cut on a microphone that cost less than $50...

And there was no acoustic treatment on the walls or in the corners.

My early recordings were mediocre, at best.

Without knowledge, experience, training, coaching, or mentorship, I couldn't even begin to understand why my music didn't sound like the songs on the radio or by my favorite recording artists...

The Audio Engineering Blueprint Was The Discovery

That Took Me From $45 Home Studio

To Multiple Six-Figure

Recording Studio and Training Facility.

Here Is How This Revolutionary Training System

Has Changed The Lives Of Our Graduates...

Danny Wunderkind, began our program as a beginner. Initially, he didn’t have a computer, DAW or equipment. However, his belief in his goals was so strong that he used the software and equipment at our studio, once per week, and was relentless in his quest to learn audio engineering.

Slowly but surely, Danny began to grasp the concepts that we taught him. He was highly focused and made sure to complete all of the training assignments.

He ultimately go this own computer and DAW, and within months of starting the program, Danny was invited to New York to participate in an A$AP Mob recording session. He was given the stems and asked to mix the project.

Today, Danny Wunderkind has worked with A$AP Rocky, K$upreme, Producer AR, A$AP Ant, and has mixed a couple of A$AP Twelvvy’s latest releases. He has clients in Philly, New York and LA, and also has projects underway with a couple of other well-known artists that he’ll be announcing soon.

Recently, when asked what was the turning point that has helped him achieve all of his success, Danny simply said, “Samori Coles”. As humbling as that was, we know that it was the blueprint, the secret discovery, that has propelled him and so many others to their fullest potential.

“The Audio Engineering Blueprint changed my life. I went from knowing nothing about audio engineering, to [becoming] so confident in the trade. I am now taking the steps to building my own recording studio and turning it into a business.

Samori’s program made sure that I fully understand the recording process - all the way through mixing and mastering. Thank you Samori for the role you’ve played in helping me create a future for myself, doing what I love.”

- Nik B.

The Audio Engineering Blueprint

You Won't Find An Audio Engineering Training Experience Like This Anywhere.

Claim Your Spot To Receive...

  • FULL access to the Audio Engineering Blueprint designed to transform you into a proficient audio engineer.

  • PROJECTS and Exercises designed to transform your skills.

  • Lifetime access to a growing Facebook Community.

  • Community support and group mastermind with a vibrant group of like-minded students.

  • An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee after the start of the course, so you can be sure this course is the perfect fit for you with no risk on your part.

  • Customer support to answer your questions and reduce frustration or overwhelm.

  • Plus FREE Bonuses Worth More Than $1,500

  • A convenient online program that allows you to work at your own pace

  • And, so much more...

Why Are The Real Secrets, Tools, And Techniques

That Are Used To Produce "Radio-Quality" Recording & Mixing Results Hidden From You?

After spending hours, days, months, and years trying to figure out the "secret sauce" used on major label recordings to get "that" sound...

I was at my wits' end.

When I could afford it...

I would rent studio time at commercial studios to try to get "that" sound that I was looking for...

Which often turned out to be a total waste of time and money...

Because, even though I would pay hundreds of dollars for studio sessions...

I never felt like I captured the same magic in my performances at other studios that I captured in my home studio.

The reality is that no place feels as comfortable as home.

At the same time, those so-called "professional" audio engineers just weren't delivering the sound that I was going for...

That's when it started to dawn on me that most of them didn't know exactly how to achieve that "radio-quality", major label sound either.

The frustration was overwhelming...

When I shared my music with "professionals" they would often say...

"You're not using EQ. You need to use equalizers."

But, if I knew how and when to use them, I'm sure that I would have.

Or, they would say...

"You're not using compression, are you?"

To that, I thought...

"How and when do I do that?"

I would try to look over the shoulders of more experienced engineers...

But they always seemed annoyed...

And, definitely weren't willing to share what they knew.

The best advice that I could get was...

"Your signal is too hot"...


"Your music's not mastered is it?"...


Believe it or not...

"Digital sounds horrible. You need to record in analog".

And, there was nothing worse than that sense of defeat when...

The mixes sounded alright in the home studio...

But, sounded like hot garbage in the car and in other listening environments.


I was in H.S.P...

Home Studio Purgatory...

That place where 95% of home studio owners and independent music creators live...

Passionate about creating and working on new music...

But, always knowing that my music was "missing something".


One day...

Something happened.

Something clicked.

That's when I knew...

I had made a HUGE discovery!

I uncovered THE BLUEPRINT...

The Audio Engineering Blueprint Will Elevate Your Skills In Recording, Mixing & Mastering

The Transformation Of Our Graduates Is Profound.

Play the videos below to hear more of their success stories...

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Almost Instantly I Was Able To Achieve The Sound I Heard In My Head

Once I discovered this secret blueprint, music creation became second nature. Recording and mixing was not only fun, it became simplified...

My mixes became more consistent, and sounded just as good outside of my studio as they did when I listened through my monitors.

EQ and compression started to make sense, and I was using these essential tools to take my mixes to another level...

Each day I was excited to produce and record new music. I started booking more clients in my home studio, and even began teaching my discovery to some of those clients.

It was clear that this blueprint, this system, would not only allow me to produce and record as much of my own music as I desired, it would also enable me to produce and record numerous artists, musicians, and bands in the Philadelphia tri-state region, and beyond...

I would deliver to them a sound that would help propel their music to the next level.

Not only that, I could teach my system to others and help them realize their full potential in their own home studios.

From Jazz to hip-hop, reggae to R&B, Pop to Rock, I began recording some of the most prolific artists, bands and musicians in my area...

Also, the students who learned my system were building their own rosters of clients at their home studios. Some were even getting jobs and internships at commercial studios, live venues, colleges and universities, and Fortune 50 companies.

From a home recording studio making $45 per week with a single client, to a six-figure commercial facility

training scores of home studio engineers and producers, my commercial studio, Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings, has become one of the country’s most effective, student-focused, consistent engineering and music production schools...

And, this is where our journeys - yours and mine - align...

The Audio Engineering Blueprint Is For You...

  • Home studio owners who want to achieve a more professional, radio-ready sound

  • Music producers who want to learn and mix and master their beats like the pros

  • Artists who are tired of relying on other people to record their music

  • Those who want to begin, or improve upon, live sound engineering in churches and/or venues

  • Beginner and intermediate music creators who want to build a solid career in the music industry

  • Folks who are interested in learning a trade and also love music

  • Those who truly want to learn the hows, whats, and whys of audio engineering

  • Anyone who would like to work in a recording studio

  • Independent audio engineers who want to increase their depth of knowledge and true understanding of the craft

  • Podcasters who want to be able to record their own professional-quality podcasts

  • Voice-over artists who would like to be able to record their own high-quality VO work

  • Anyone who records vocals over beats and wants to achieve major label quality

  • Bands and musicians who want to save money by recording themselves, at the same or better quality as many commercial studios

  • 9-to-5 professionals who like to make music and want to learn how to make it sound better

  • Anyone looking for a career change and are interested in the music industry

The Audio Engineering Blueprint Is Not For You...

  • Home studio owners who already know everything there is to know about recording, editing, mixing, and mastering

  • Music producers who already mix and master their own beats to perfection

  • Artists who prefer to spend their hard-earned money booking time at recording studios

  • Beginner and intermediate music creators who don't want to build careers in the music industry

  • Folks who are not interested in learning a trade and don't like music

  • Those who would prefer to get all of their information and training from YouTube

  • Anyone who isn't interested in recording audio projects of any kind (i.e. music, podcasts, audiobooks, live concerts, etc.)

  • Independent audio engineers who would prefer to solely get bits and pieces of random information and guidance from their peers

  • Podcasters who never want to record themselves, and don't want to take control of their own shows

  • Voice-over artists who aren't interested in recording their own work

  • Anyone who records vocals over beats and are 100% happy with the sound they are getting, and know that it couldn't be any better than it is

  • Bands and musicians who never want to record any music and would rather practice every day, and talk about all of their future plans with their bandmates.

  • Live sound engineers who already know all that there is to know, and don't need or want any additional training.

In The Audio Engineering Blueprint, You Will Become A Turbo Charged, Experienced Audio Engineer.

This One-Of-A-Kind, Online Course Will Enable You To Discover A Craft And Skillset That No One Can Ever Take Away From You.

Your Training Will Include...

The Secrets To Rocking Your Room Acoustics & Getting The Best Sound In Any Space

What you will learn:

  • How to calculate your room modes so that you will better understand the overall color of your space

  • The difference between the various types of acoustic treatments so that you can choose the

    best option for your space, and not waste time and money in the process

  • The optimal placement for acoustic treatment

    to most effectively control room echo and reflections

  • The inside scoop on the most affordable resources for acoustic treatment

Recording Gear Rules That Every Home Studio Owner Needs To Follow (What You Need, What You Don’t, And What Makes All The Difference)

What you will learn:

  • How to get professional quality results with gear that you already own

  • Which pieces of equipment are essential to taking your sound to the next level

  • Why you don’t need certain pieces of gear

  • If the Mac vs. PC debate is really worth the argument

  • The one piece of gear that can truly be a game-changer

The Very Best Levels To Record Your Vocals At (Spoiler: It’s Not 0 dB)

What you will learn:

  • Why your recording level is the most important factor in the signal flow chain

  • The optimal level to record your vocals

  • Which piece of recording gear has the biggest impact on recording levels

  • Why ignoring recording levels is ruining your recordings

Everything You Need To Know About Equalization (EQ) To Take Your Sound To The Next Level

What you will learn:

  • To better understand frequency, and how it affects your perception of sound

  • The role that equalizers play in achieving radio-quality mixes

  • The essential frequencies that you need to know to get professional quality results

  • How to effectively use an equalizer to become an audio ninja

Understanding One Of The Most Vital Elements Of Recording: Compression

What you will learn:

  • How to use a compressor to your advantage

  • Secret compression recipes that will supercharge your mixes

  • How to use compressors to achieve louder, punchier recordings

  • The essential parameters of compression

Is It Balanced? The Ultimate Lesson In Mixing

What you will learn:

  • Why balance is the core ingredient of audio mixing

  • A little-known mixing technique that will consistently lead to more balanced mixes

  • How to use “references” to produce industry-quality recordings

  • The ultimate tools used for balance

Elevate Your Vocal Sound With Audio Effects And Processing

What you will learn:

  • The audio effects that dominate major label recordings

  • How to use reverb to get the sound that you’ve been looking for

  • Why delay is the one effect that you need to start using now

  • ​How distortion can liven up your vocal recordings

In Addition To The Comprehensive, Transformative Training Listed Above, By Registering For The Audio Engineering Blueprint Today, You'll Also Receive The Following Bonuses (valued at more than $1,500):


(value: $397)

Understanding the concept and application of 'Bussing' is one of the things that separates beginners from professional audio engineers. Essentially, bussing is routing. When applied correctly, there are endless applications that can give an audio engineer more control of their mixes, and a wider variety of sonic textures to employ.


(value: $297)

'Sidechaining' is often thought of as a music production tool used to create that famous "pumping" effect that is heard in countless dance records. However, there are numerous ninja sidechaining techniques that can help vocals stand out in a mix, create punch, clarity, and so much more.


(value: $297)

Anyone who has listened to popular music in the last 10 years is definitely familiar with the sound of 'Autotune'. This robot-like effect that is often applied to vocals is a staple in modern mixes. Understanding how to properly use autotune can be the difference between a high-quality, industry standard record, or a low-grade, basement sounding demo.


(value: $497)

'Mastering' is literally the final phase of the audio production process. It is the icing on the cake. Recordings that are mastered have a balanced frequency spectrum, are louder and punchier, and are able to compete against the sound of major label recordings. As an audio engineer, knowing how to master will add unlimited value to your skillset.


Within 1 month of enrolling in The Audio Engineering Blueprint, you'll know the basics of sound, and understand frequency and the specific EQ settings for each instrument that you record or mix...

Within 2 months, your comprehension of the fundamental tools and techniques utilized in audio engineering will have significantly expanded. You'll be recording, mixing, and mastering projects at a novice to intermediate level...

At the end of 3 months, you will be a more confident and proficient audio engineer with experience, training, and practical application in intermediate- to advanced-level audio engineering. You'll be proficient in recording, editing, mixing, and mastering professional audio projects.

Your information is 100% secure with us.

The Audio Engineering Blueprint is simply one-of-a-kind.

Our system for training audio engineers is the most effective program of its kind.

The program is loaded with all of the skills, techniques, tools, and coaching that are required to adequately prepare our students for careers and/or industry-level proficiency in audio engineering.

The price range of Audio Engineering Schools is between $14,000 and $84,000, with an average cost $19,870.

But, that is not what we're going to charge you.


Because, while our program provides more value than most audio recording schools, we don't carry the bloat, fluff, and overhead that other schools carry.

In other words, our training is a 100% pure education in Audio Engineering.

There are no ridiculous "prerequisite" classes that you have to take in order to learn what you really want to learn.

We also don't have a bunch of administrators or overpaid professors that don't add value to your education...

At some schools, your tuition dollars actually pay their salaries.

The Audio Engineering Blueprint is completely online, which allows you to work at your own pace.

The reason that we keep our prices so affordable is because of our sincere and earnest commitment to adequately preparing you for the pace, rigor, and high-quality standard of commercial recording studios.

Many of our graduates opt to start or expand their own home or commercial recording studios.

We don't believe that you should have to struggle or absorb a heavy debt burden after you've invested your time and money in Recording School.

Our mission is to completely transform your knowledge, skills, and career in the music industry without charging you an arm and a leg.



The Audio Engineering Blueprint - An Easy, 7-Step System For Becoming A Proficient Audio Engineer

(Total Value: $1,997)

Audio Engineering is a trade that is often overlooked by music creators. Learning the secrets to this trade - recording, editing, mixing, and mastering will not only help you achieve radio-quality results, but will also enable you to embark on a diverse and dynamic career path in the music industry. The Audio Engineering Blueprint is your secret to success.


Private, Members-Only Facebook Group

(Total Value: $297)

Guidance from program founder, Samori Coles, and access to a community of home recording artists, producers and engineers like yourself to network and share ideas.

Bussing: Inputs, Outputs and Routing For Better Control Of Your Mixes

(Total Value: $397)

Bussing is a concept that is often misunderstood. It's basically routing. However, a thorough understanding of this process enables you to creat sonic textures and sounds that are otherwise not possible.

Sidechaining: For Greater Punch and Clarity

(Total Value: $297)

Sidechaining techniques include more than just compression. They incorporate numerous "parallel" processes that add dimension and a professional polish to your recordings and mixes.

Autoune: Become A Pro Of This Industry Standard

(Total Value: $297)

Autotune has become one of the most common tools used in hip-hop, R&B, pop, and even country music. Learn how to achieve the sound that is responsible for numerous hit records.

Mastering: The Key To Incredible Recordings

(Total Value: $497)

Mastering is literally "the icing on the cake". Take your recordings to the next level by learning to add loudness, width, and depth to your mixes; and compete with the sound of major-label recordings.

The Total Offer Value Of The Audio Engineering Blueprint

(Including The Program Add-On Bonuses)



Offer Value


Right Now!


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2 Monthly Payments


Full Payment


3 Monthly Payments


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2 Monthly Payments


Full Payment (One-Time)


3 Monthly Payments


Customer Testimonials

Lil' Drummaboy Recordings | 818 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147


based on 191 reviews

Customer Testimonials

Lil' Drummaboy Recordings

818 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147


based on 191 reviews

Felicia Ricci

(Recording Artist, Renowned Voice Coach)

“Working with Samori was instrumental to my developing my confidence as a producer and artist.  I’m glad I met [him] when I did. I feel empowered now to be truly be creative.”

John Morrison

(Professional DJ and Writer)

“Working with Samori and Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings was hands down one of the most influential experiences in my creative life. In addition to the growth in the music I make, I learned so much about the business and deepened my relationship to the music community around me.”

When You Really Think About It,

In Life, There Are Only 3 Options...

Go Backwards

If you choose to do nothing and continue doing the same things that you're currently doing, expecting a different outcome, you risk going backwards in your music career.

Stagnation leads to de-motivation and frustration. If you fail to act on one-of-a-kind opportunities like The Audio Engineering Blueprint, you might find yourself in a rut.

Years from now, you'll ask yourself, "why didn't I take advantage of the opportunity to learn this craft the right way?"

There's nothing worse than feeling like you've wasted time and energy for nothing.

Stay The Same

By choosing not to act now, you might also find yourself constantly treading on the hamster wheel, but never making significant improvement in your recording, mixing, and mastering skills.

You'll continue to have the same struggles and challenges, spinning in circles and getting nowhere.

There is no worse feeling than perpetual frustration. Inconsistent recordings and lacking an understanding of the craft will make it virtually impossible to advance.


If you choose to invest in yourself, and enroll in The Audio Engineering Blueprint, you're making a solid commitment to your music career.

You'll start to see progress within weeks, and you'll begin to have more control over the sound of your recording projects.

You'll gain the mentorship, training, knowledge and skills that are required to mix and master audio projects at a professional level.

You'll feel empowered to continue to pursue your passions and make your dreams a reality. You'll have a valuable skill that will remain with you for life.

When You Really Think About It,

In Life, There Are Only 3 Options...

Go Backwards

If you choose to do nothing and continue doing the same things that you're currently doing, expecting a different outcome, you risk going backwards in your music career.

Stagnation leads to de-motivation and frustration. If you fail to act on one-of-a-kind opportunities like The Audio Engineering Blueprint, you might find yourself in a rut.

Years from now, you'll ask yourself, "why didn't I take advantage of the opportunity to learn this craft the right way?"

There's nothing worse than feeling like you've wasted time and energy for nothing.

Stay The Same

By choosing not to act now, you might also find yourself constantly treading on the hamster wheel, but never making significant improvement in your recording, mixing, and mastering skills.

You'll continue to have the same struggles and challenges, spinning in circles and getting nowhere.

There is no worse feeling than perpetual frustration. Inconsistent recordings and lacking an understanding of the craft will make it virtually impossible to advance.


If you choose to invest in yourself, and enroll in The Audio Engineering Blueprint, you're making a solid commitment to your music career.

You'll start to see progress within weeks, and you'll begin to have more control over the sound of your recording projects.

You'll gain the mentorship, training, knowledge and skills that are required to mix and master audio projects at a professional level.

You'll feel empowered to continue to pursue your passions and make your dreams a reality. You'll have a valuable skill that will remain with you for life.

Your information is 100% secure with us.

About Samori Coles

Samori Coles is an audio engineer, music producer, instructor, and music-based entrepreneur. 

In the fall of 1997, he left his day job as a Senior Financial Analyst at a Fortune 100 company and boarded a Greyhound bus in his hometown (Omaha, Nebraska), in pursuit of a career in the music industry.

Unsure where the journey would take him, Samori knew that he was passionate about making music and spending his time concentrating on his dreams; which were succeeding in the music industry and starting his own business.

After what seemed like a never-ending Greyhound bus ride, he ultimately found his way to Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) where he started out producing and recording his own music, as well as the music of others, out of an apartment in the Germantown section of the city.

While there were many ups and downs, successes and failures, achievements and disappointments; eventually the road less travelled led to breakthroughs that have allowed Samori to build one of Philadelphia’s most renowned music recording studios and production training facilities, Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings.

What is unique about the man that many of his students affectionately call “Sensei”, is that while he is an accomplished audio engineer and music producer who is a voting member of The Recording Academy (The Grammys); Samori has remained committed to teaching, coaching and mentoring students of all ages who desire to learn the crafts of audio engineering, music production and/or the music business. To date, he has shared his knowledge, wisdom, and insight to thousands of students across the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Do Classes Start?

This is an online course that allows you to learn at your own pace. You are able to start as soon as you register.

Do I have To Have Experience To Enroll In The Program?

Not all. Some of our students are absolute beginners. These students tend to do very well in our program because they haven’t picked up a lot of bad audio engineering habits.

Is There An Age Requirement?

There is no age requirement to register for the Audio Engineering Blueprint.

What Software Will I Be Learning?

In today’s music industry, there are a number of popular software programs that our students like to use. Our core training is the craft of Audio Engineering, which is the same regardless of the software program used. We provide project demonstrations in Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, and FL Studio.

What Equipment Do I Need To Start The Program?

It is highly recommended that you, at least, have a computer and D.A.W. (i.e. recording software), as well as studio monitors or a decent pair of studio headphones. Equipment specs and recommendations are covered in the 2nd module of the program. So, if you're not sure about what to get, it will be addressed in the course.

Is This A Live Class?

No, this program consists of pre-recorded training videos, project files, quizzes, and software (D.A.W.) demonstrations. This way you are able to work at your own pace.

How Long Does It Take To Complete The Course?

It is recommended that you pace yourself, watch all of the videos, complete the quizzes, and finish all assignments. In terms of course completion, 8-12 weeks is ideal for optimal retention, growth, and development in the craft of audio engineering.

Will This Program Allow Me To Get A Job In The Music Industry?

The music industry is extremely competitive. We believe in our program so much that we know that you’ll be prepared when you complete the course.   

There are no guarantees that companies will be hiring, or will hire you. But, you’ll be 10x more experienced, trained and prepared than you are today.

How Is Your School Different From Other Schools?

Samori Coles began his career more than 25 years ago as an independent artist and music producer. He built Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings, a Philadelphia-based recording studio and audio training facility, to provide other independents with the training, guidance, and mentorship that he wishes he had all those years ago.  

He understands your unique needs. And he knows exactly what you need to accomplish your goals.

There is no fluff in The Audio Engineering Blueprint. You will get real-world training that will significantly develop your proficiency and skills as an audio engineer. We can guarantee this because we have been training music creators just like yourself for more than 20 years.  

Our online program is the exact same curriculum taught in-studio at Lil' Drummaboy Recordings. The success rate of our graduates is second-to-none. This is the training that you have been looking for.

How Long Will The 92% Discount Last?

The 92% discount is a limited-time offer. There is no guarantee that it will be available for long.

Will I Learn How To Make Beats In This Program?

No. The Audio Engineering Blueprint focuses on the craft of audio engineering. You will be trained to record, edit, mix, and master music and audio projects at a professional level.  

Audio Engineers are the folks in the studio that handle the recording process. They make sure that the projects that they engineer have that major-label quality that is competitive with the music of other artists in the industry.

What Is Audio Engineering?

Audio Engineering is the process of recording, editing, mixing, and/or mastering audio projects.  

Audio Engineers work in the music industry, film industry, radio, TV, podcasts, live sound, audio/visual departments in colleges and companies, etc. They are sonic anchors that ensure that any of the sound involved in any of these industries is of the highest quality.  

While many of our students have a desire to either work in the music industry or achieve better sounding recordings in their home studios, there are many career options for audio engineers.  

Audio Engineering is a trade similar to plumbing, audio mechanics, carpentry, etc. It’s a specific skillset that offers unique opportunities that many aspiring music creators aren’t aware of.

Is This An Online Or In-Person Program?

The Audio Engineering Blueprint is an online program.

Do You Offer A Guarantee?

A 30-day money back guarantee is available if you feel like the course does not provide you with useful information for your needs.

Copyright 2024 Home Studio Tutor, LLC . All rights reserved